Alternative protein curriculum development and support

Bring more alternative protein content to the classroom using this hub of curriculum materials and resources for members of the academic community.

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Develop a curriculum for alternative proteins

There is a significant and urgent need to launch university courses to widen the pool of talented scientists and engineers entering the alternative protein field. We’ve seen an increase in students seeking opportunities to learn about plant-based proteins, cultivated meat, and fermentation. Unfortunately, few universities offer alternative protein courses or programs leaving students without a clear educational pathway to learn about or enter the field.

We recognise that designing courses from scratch can be time-consuming for some educators. To help, we created an exclusive curriculum repository to facilitate the creation of new educational offerings. This resource aims to equip both students and educators with the tools needed to support developing meaningful careers in the alternative protein field.

By creating flagship alternative protein courses, instructors position their universities to attract top talent increasingly interested in alternative proteins. Universities that offer expanded course offerings will ultimately be able to develop full certificate programs, majors, or minors as well as develop a reputation for excellence in the field of alternative protein science and innovation.

Building a robust workforce will require talent from all walks of life and parts of the world, not just students on a traditional college path. That’s where web-based educational programs have high potential for impact. To reach these potential student groups, designing curricula for open-access online courses will also be critical.

Request access to our curriculum repository

Educators don’t always need to create curricula from scratch. Find the building blocks of alternative protein courses using our curriculum repository. This exclusive resource includes syllabi, slide decks, recommended readings, and assessment tools from existing alternative protein curricula. All featured resources are open-access, ready for educators to adapt them as needed.

If you would like to access our curriculum repository, please fill out this request form so we can email you a link to the repository.

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The benefits of contributing alternative protein course materials

For this repository to have the highest impact, we need your help filling in the gaps. As our community of alternative protein educators continues to expand, offering access to a wider range of curriculum materials will become necessary. A comprehensive curriculum repository means gaining course materials for all types of alternative proteins—plant-based, cultivated, and fermentation-enabled—and for an audience varying in academic levels, learning styles, and preferred languages.

Your support is vital to accelerating the development of alternative proteins and here’s how:

If you are in the process of building an educational program with help from our curriculum repository, we encourage you to share your adapted materials once they are complete. Together, we can maximise the impact of this repository and help make alternative protein education accessible to all.

Add your materials to our curriculum repository

Thank you for contributing your educational program materials to our curriculum repository! We’re excited to make these materials available to students and educators around the world to accelerate workforce development for the alternative protein sector.

By developing new educational pathways for the next generation of alternative protein talent, your work directly impacts the future of the industry. With greater access to learning opportunities, more students will be able to build a deeper, stronger foundation of knowledge relevant to alternative proteins. The industry will have access to a larger, better-trained, and more easily identifiable talent pool to accelerate technological and commercial progress.

The materials in our curriculum repository are licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0. This means anyone who uses your materials must give appropriate credit to the creator, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Likewise, if you used materials from the repository to build your own curriculum, you must include proper attribution. See best practices for attributing CC-licensed materials here.

Lastly, we ask that you upload your materials to Dropbox or Google Drive and provide the link in this submission form.

Animated graphic of a book with a keyboard and mouse plugged into it

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Please include your home department, if applicable (e.g. Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences)
Please ensure that anyone with this link can view your materials. See the field below for an alternative method for submitting your materials.
Alternatively, you can upload your materials to our submission folder on Google Drive.
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Help accelerate the alternative protein workforce

To accelerate progress in the alternative protein field, we need to widen the talent pool of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Learn more about our proposed workforce solutions below.

There is a significant and urgent need to launch and support university and online courses in order to build and extend the talent pipeline of students going into the alternative…

To ensure a strong talent pipeline, there is a need to launch robust university programming, ranging from certificate programs to short multi-course modules, centered around alternative protein…

Given the strong and persistent growth in alternative protein production, the industry has a pressing need for a trained workforce. Technical colleges should establish programs to help train the next…

The alternative protein industry has a significant need for workers and innovators with specialized knowledge spanning multiple traditional disciplines. However, since few universities offer alternative protein majors or dedicated subject…

Woman working at home office hand on keyboard close up.

Massive open online course

Enroll in GFI’s open-access online course to learn about the science of plant-based and cultivated meat.

Check out related resources

Discover seminars, GFI resources, ongoing research projects, and networking opportunities.

Student guide

This guide will help you steer through the exciting world of alternative proteins.

Collaborative researcher directory

Use this directory to find scientific collaborators in the alternative protein field.

GFIdeas APAC community

GFIdeas APAC is a community for entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, and government and corporate representatives who are driving alternative protein innovation in Asia Pacific. Stay tuned for the official launch in late 2022.

Solutions database

Explore startup ideas, commercial opportunities, research projects, and investment priorities throughout the alternative protein supply chain.