Alternative proteins are a scalable solution to many of the world’s most pressing challenges and the Good Food Institute APAC is driving the global media conversation about where the sector needs to go next.
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Scale-up series part 4: Profit-driven scaling
In part four of our series supporting startups, we explore how best to implement a scaling strategy that can maximise chances of delivering long-term profitability.

S’pore calls for proposals from researchers, industry partners to develop tastier novel foods
Achieving price, taste, and nutrition parity between alternative proteins and conventional meat is a non-negotiable factor for market success, and strategic public investments are central to hitting that goal.

Countries in Middle East, Europe look to Singapore for regulatory advice on cultivated meat
Many of the products out on the market right now do not hit taste parity nor nutrition parity but do require a premium price. That is not a very attractive proposition for a consumer. We need government support in getting there.

Transforming land use – considerations for APAC
GFI’s land use analysis highlights that alternative proteins require 50 to 90% less land than conventional animal proteins, offering significant opportunities for carbon sequestration and ecosystem restoration. That potential is huge, especially for APAC, home to 19% of the world’s forests and 32% of global wetlands. Could this be a game-changer for China and Southeast Asia? Read our latest blog on the study’s implications for APAC.

Scale-up series part 3: Build a force-multiplying team
In part three of our scale-up series, we explore the best way to plan and build a rock-solid team for your startup, and set the company up for success.

Scaling up and partnerships: What do alt protein industry experts say?
In a competitive business environment, scaling up effectively is crucial for long-term success. This complex process involves careful planning, partnerships, and infrastructure investments. This article explores insights from industry experts on key factors that drive growth and expansion.

Alt protein marketing: What do industry experts say?
Creating a new category needs marketing to generate consumer demand. A great product is ineffective if consumers are unaware of it. Marketing shapes consumer perception of the product, company, and category. We consulted industry experts for insights on marketing in this sector.

Go-to-market strategy: What do alt protein industry experts say?
Understanding a new market or launching a product is challenging, especially in the early-stage alternative protein sector. We spoke with top industry experts to learn from their successful go-to-market strategies in this emerging category.

Bridging the Valley of Death: First-of-a-kind fabrications
Check out this exclusive article by Camilla Roberts, CEO of SCALE IMPACT, who explores how innovative government incentives can close the funding gap for first-of-a-kind (FOAK) manufacturing facilities in alternative protein production. By adopting flexible and tailored financing models, we can overcome the challenges of high-risk capital projects and secure a sustainable future for food production.